Urinary Leakage

Condition Overview

Urinary incontinence occurs when a person involuntarily leaks urine. There are 4 types of urinary incontinence/leakage: stress, overflow, overactive bladder, and functional incontinence.

  1. Stress UI is the most common and typically occurs with exercise, sneezing, coughing, or laughing.

  2. Overflow occurs when the bladder becomes too full, and is not emptied often enough or fully enough.

  3. Overactive bladder or “urge incontinence” occurs when the bladder muscles spasms and creates a sensation of urgency even if the bladder is empty. If the bladder is full this often results in leakage.

  4. Functional incontinence occurs when other disease processes make it difficult for the person to void normally or independently.

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Urinary Urgency or Frequency


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